Сценарій виховного заходу з англійської мови для учнів молодших класів “TWELVE MONTHS”

11.01.2018   Administrator   Категорія: Із досвіду роботи

Відкритий виховний захід з англійської мови для учнів молодших класів.

Тема: інсценізація казки «Дванадцять місяців»

Мета:  поглибити знання учнів з тем «Пори року», «Погода», «Календар»;

·  повторити та закріпити попередньо вивчену лексику і поповнити

· словниковий запас школярів;  розвивати комунікативні уміння та навички;

·  розширювати кругозір учнів;

·  підвищувати інтерес дітей до вивчення англійської мови;


·костюм дійових осіб;

·  штучні проліски;

·  макет багаття;

·  макети дерев;

·  музичні диски із записами музичного фону для п’єси.

Хід уроку

І. Уведення учнів в атмосферу іншомовного мовлення (звучить чарівна музика)


 Good morning, my dear friends! I am very glad to meet you after such long winter holidays. I hope you had a good rest during these holidays and I am sure you had a good time while celebrating New Year and Christmas. You surely will tell me about your holidays at our English lessons. But today I and your friends decided to make Christmas present for you. We prepared a famous fairy-tale for you. You know this winter story very well. So watch and enjoy the play “Twelve brother-month”.

 ІІ. Основна частина заходу.


 Once upon a time in a faraway northern land there lived a queen On New Year’s Eve she wished for a basket full of snowdrops to be brought to her palace.

(на сцені з’являється королева)

 Queen: I promise a lot of gold for the basket of snowdrops. Story-teller: In the kingdom there lived a woman with two daughters. One of them was her own daughter and she loved the girl dearly. Another was her step-daughter and the step-mother didn’t love her. The cruel woman sent her step-daughter to the forest to pick snowdrops.

 (на сцені з’являється мачуха із своєю дочкою і падчерицею; мачуха цілує та обіймає свою дочку і дає стусанів падчерці, дає їй кошика і штовхає в напрямку лісу (без слів).



In the forest


Hello, Hare! Hello,

Squirrels! Hare: Hello! We are glad to see you here. How are you?

Step-daughter: I am very cold. A chilly wind is blowing. It’s snowing.

Squirrel I: You are not dressed for the weather. You coat isn’t warm enough.

Squirrel II: We are not cold with our fur-coats on.

Hare: Hush! I see some people around the fire.

(Near the fire)

January with cold is set.

February is chill and wet.

March wind often ranges,

In April weather changes.

Pretty flowers come in May.

Sunny June brings longest day.

In hot July the skies are clear.

Then August with corn is here.

For fruit September opens the way.

October sweeps the leaves away.

Next enters snowy December.

Step-daughter: Good evening.

January: Good evening, little girl.

Step-daughter: May I sit near the fire and keep warm?

March: Come up, little beauty.

June: What are doing here at night?

August: Aren’t you picking mushrooms?

July: Aren’t you picking berries?

May: Aren’t you picking flowers?

12 months: Ha-ha-ha!

Step-daughter: It isn’t a joke. My step-mother has sent me to pick snowdrops. The queen promised a reward for them. What shall I do?

May: Everything is good in its season.

April: It isn’t time for snowdrops yet.

December: I now that she is good girl. I met her last winter. She went to the forest together dry sticks. It snowed, the cold wind blew, but she was always marry.

August: I saw her in summer. She picked berries, but she never did any harm to the forest. October: She came here in autumn to pick mushrooms. It rained cats and dogs. No wonder, October is an autumn month. But the girl remained cheerful.

November: You are right, brother. Winter brings us snowflakes, spring green buds and shoots, summer brings us berries, autumn golden fruit.

February: I saw her feeding birds in winter. Grey was the sky and the wind was chill, icicles hung from the window-sill. Only the robin with a breast of red sat and waited for crumbs of bread.

January: Well, darling, we’ll bring you spring if you solve the riddle: “A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot” What is this? Step-daughter: I have guessed! It’s a year.

Squirrel: Look! The snow is melting.

The wind isn’t blowing.

The streams are running.

The sun is shining.

The birds are singing.

The spring is coming.

Step-daughter: Oh dear! Lots of snowdrops! I have never seen so many flowers. You have saved me, Brother-months!

September: Hurry up, hurry up, dear. Make hay while the sun shines.

March: But don’t tell anybody about it.

Step-daughter: I promise to keep it a secret. I am so grateful to you. I want to thank you for the spring you have brought during the winter, and for the snowdrops.

April: We are sorry, little girl. It’s time for you to go home.

May: We like you very much. Take this magic ring, put it your finger. If you need our help again, drop the ring and say:

September: 30 days has September,

April: April,

June: June

November: and November.

January: All the other have 31.

February: But February is a month with 28. And one day more it always has one year in four.

June: And you’ll have a chance to see all of us and to talk to us.

July: God luck to you now!

12 months: Goodbye, Honey!

Step-daughter: Goodbye brother-months!

(Звучить музика, актори йдуть зі сцени, під аплодисменти глядачів виходить вчитель)

ІІІ. Заключна частина заходу.

Teacher: Well, my dear friends! Did you like our play! Let’s me to introduce our young actors and actresses. Meet them and applaud.

(вчитель називає глядачам виконавців дійових осіб казки).

    Напасна К. Л.


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